Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Auto Discovery Fails for All Users with the Error Code 0x80072F0C

Clients usually experience this problem due to the deference of how Client Certificates and SSL Server Certificates work.
  • SSL Certificates provide the functionality of Encryption and Security
  • Client Certificates provide the functionality of Authentication

Though the two technologies both use certificates, they are not related directly. WINHTTP is the mechanism that's used to connect to the web through SSL. When running in NATIVE MODE, the client attempts to ignore the SSL Certificate and use the Client Certificate, which results in a failing connection to webpage that requires SSL.

This problem could be resolved through the following

  1. Expand the "autodiscovery" hive on the IIS Management Console
  2. In the middle pane select "SSL Settings" for the autodiscovery virtual directory.
  3. Under "Client Certificates" make sure the option "Ignore" is selected instead of "Accept" or "Require"

This should resolve any Auto Discovery related problems with clients if you have configured the Autodiscovery on the Exchange Server Error free..

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to Logoff Users on a Remote Server from the CLI

This is some thing that can only be achieved through privileged access to the server you login to perform the task.

To Query for users on the Server

>QUSER [username | sessionname | sessionid] [/SERVER:servername] [/MODE] [/FLOW] [/CONNECT] [/COUNTER]

  • username: Identifies the session with user username.
  • sessionname: Identifies the session named sessionname.
  • sessionid: Identifies the session with ID sessionid.
  • /SERVER:servername: The server to be queried (default: current).
  • /MODE: Display current line settings.
  • /FLOW: Display current flow control settings.
  • /CONNECT: Display current connect settings.
  • /COUNTER: Display current TSs counters information.

This command will work for almost all the new Windows distributions. For windows XP, an Enviromental Variable needs to be added. However the path could be temporarily set by the below, before executing the above command.

>SET PATH = C:\Windows\System32\DLLCache

To Logoff a user from the server

>LOGOFF [sessionname | sessionid] [/SERVER:servername] [/V]

  • sessionname: The name of the session.
  • sessionid: The ID of the session.
  • /SERVER:servername: Specifies the TS (default is current).
  • /V: Displays info about the actions performed.

How to mount Exchange 2000/2003 database when E00.log is missing

You may get the below Error message when trying to mount the mail store: "An internal processing error has occurred. Try restarting the Exchange System Manager or the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, or both. ID no: c1041724". Also you may note the Event IDs 9518 & 455 in your Application logs.


  1. Stop all Exchange related services on your server.
  2. Backup your log files that are usually located on x:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA\Exxxxxxx.Log to a temporary folder.
  3. Delete all *.log files in the x:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA except for e00.chk, res1.log and res2.log
  4. Start all exchange related services.
  5. Mount the mail store.
If the above does not work, it could be due to a corrupted database. You could probably find a solution for it through the below link